Many of you know that Chris and I have been wanting to move out of Brooklyn and New York for some time now. When we got married we wanted to move to Hawai'i and live on a farm. We wanted a simple life. Then I got pregnant. So, we stayed for our parents' sake. Kaleigh is my parent's first grandchild and Chris's parent's 2nd (after a 17 year gap.)
Anyway, the house we are currently living in used to belong to Chris's grandmother who lived on the 1st floor and we live on the 2nd. When she became old and senile the rights to the house went to her 3 daughters. Chris's mom being one of them. The house is really old and no one really wants to stay in it. So it has been their plan that after Chris's grandmother passed away, they would sell the house.
About 2 months ago, Chris's grandmother passed away. Now the house is being sold. No one bought the house yet, but eventually we would have to move. Chris thinks it's better to move sooner than later. One reason is because the house being so old has a lot of problems. Just a few weeks ago there was a gas leak from the oven downstairs. The leak was "suppose" to be fixed. However, since then there were 2 more gas leaks. About a month ago there was a big rain storm and water leaked from our ceiling in several places. We had to get the whole entire roof done. Chris is fed up with the house and afraid that the house is going to explode with me and the kids inside while he's at work.
Last year Chris and I took a weekend trip to Utah. After breathing in the fresh mountain air, we decided that Utah is where we want to raise our kids. And so, our journey begins.
Chris is actually going to to go ahead first. He is leaving on Saturday, Sept. 20th. Which is today if you read this blog... er today. I started writing this post on the 17th but didn't actually finish it till today. Kaleigh, Jacob and I are going to meet up with him in the middle of October. Chris was able to transfer to a WaMu in West Valley at the Kearn's Financial Center. Yes, we've heard some bad things about West Valley - being the equivalent to the Bronx of New York. We don't plan to live there. Nor are we going to live in Ogden.
Earlier last night, Kaleigh complained of an upset stomach. So I put a warm compress on her belly and let her lie down on the couch. Later before she went to bed, we told Kaleigh that daddy is going to go to Utah tomorrow. She started crying and said she wanted to go too. We explained to her that Kaleigh, Jacob and mommy are going to go to Utah too in a few weeks. That daddy is just going first. She continued to cry and then said, "Then I'm not going to have a daddy anymore!" We explained to her once more that daddy is not leaving us and that we're going to meet up with daddy and live together. She continued to cry and then coughed a few times. Then all of a sudden, "BLEHHH..." She vomits her dinner all over Chris's arm. After she was done vomitting she says, "Ewww... That's so stinky! I feel a little better now." Ah... kids, you gotta love them.
Chris is going to take our only working computer, the laptop, with him. That means that I won't have internet access for 3+ weeks!!!! Ahhhh!!!! Going online is how I wind down at the end of the day. It's my therapy. It's also how I watch my favorite TV shows. Since, Kaleigh doesn't go to sleep till about 10:00 pm (because she naps for 2 hours in the afternoon) I usually watch my TV shows online. 2nd season of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles just started and already there are a lot questions that need to be answered. The premiere of Heroes is on the 22nd and 30 Rock premieres the beginning of October, I think. I'm not addicted to TV, but I do enjoy watching my shows at night while I pump. I'm a little bit of a sci-fi geek, so I also enjoy talking about T:TSCC on the wikiboards. It is going to be a long 3+ weeks (sigh).