Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We Are Finally Moving!!

OK. A lot has happened since my last post a few months ago. I don't think I have the time or brain juice to tell it all right now. Bottom line, we are finally moving. Where are we moving to?


Why Utah? There are many reasons. The main reasons are both Chris and I love it there and we don't want our kids to grow up in Brooklyn.

Sad part is that we are going to miss our family and friends. The good part is that we believe this is what is best for our family.

Right now I'm just taking a break from packing. Kaleigh is at my dad's house and Jacob is taking a nap. I really should be packing furiously while Jacob is napping but, I'm tired. Chris is still working, so that leaves me to do the packing.

OK... Gotta get back to work!


Lindsay said...

We are sure going to miss you!

cherry said...

Ho Pun Yow, "My Padrushka", "Bestfriend", i'm both excited and sad right now...excited for you--let's say , it's another adventure..woot!woot! so take advantage of it...sad because i will miss you a lot esp. your jokes...don't worry it's only an email away,,,and reunion is even more exciting and fun....love you very much!!!

Disco Mom said...

What? This is NOT enough information! Some of us don't get to see you all the time and get the scoop in person so gather up your brain juice and write it down so I know what's happening! This is very exciting, I know you've wanted to move to Utah for a long time and I'm so happy for you that your chance is here, but you know me. I must have details. Here are a few questions to give you some direction but feel free (obligated) to elaborate:
- What brought this about so suddenly - new job, friends, prayer, housing opportunity, etc.?
- Where in Utah?
- What's the schedule? When do you move out, move in, etc.?
- What are the plans once you get there - find a place to live, job(s), etc.?
- How is everyone feeling about this?
Can't wait to hear more and again, congratulations!