Friday, October 10, 2008

Kaleigh Knows Best

Last night at about 3:00 am Kaleigh crawled into my bed and slept next to me. Ever since Chris went to Utah she's been doing that. I know it's not a good habit, but I don't mind. I like sleeping with my kids. Then at about 3:40 am Jacob started crying. He's been having difficulty sleeping through the night for about 3 months now. I mentioned this to his pediatrician at his follow up visit for acid reflux the other day. She told me to offer him water instead of milk when he wakes up. Eventually, he'll realize that it's not worth waking up for water in the middle of the night. I decided give it a try. But instead of going back to sleep, it just made him mad and cry even harder. Kaleigh did not enjoy being disturbed and tried to cover her ears and then even put her head under her pillow.

After 5 minutes of trying to console Jacob without success, I laid him down on the bed next to Kaleigh. When he saw her he stopped crying. Then Kaleigh reached over with her little hand and held his even smaller hand
and said, "Shh... Don't cry, Jacob. It's OK. Go to sleep." Jacob immediately calmed down and closed his eyes. So, I shifted him a little bit and laid down in between them.

10 minutes later, Jacob started crying again. Kaleigh sat up and said, "Mommy, he wants milk!!!" with a "duh" expression on her face, and then laid back down. So, I got up, picked up Jacob and went to the kitchen to make him a bottle of milk. About 5 minutes later, he had drank most of his bottle and fell asleep.

What would I do without my bossy-boss, mini-mommy little girl? *sigh*


RJ said...

That is so sweet, what a couple bundle of joys you have there!

Da said...

Very good sister!! Already have the motherly genes..hehehe.

Krio Tity said...

funny, funny... I enjoyed that.

Isn't nice to have a boss in the house?